Happy Holidays!
By Fire Fighter/EMT Pieter Lucas
December 12, 2015

Members are getting ready for the holiday season! Last week Santa stopped at the station to visit with area children and starting tonight members will escort Santa through neighborhoods in our first due. Santa will start his rounds tonight and will make appearances each evening between 18:30 and 21:00 through December 22 in the West Friendship area. Check the schedule on the homepage or below for your street.
Also please consider visiting the Christmas tree stand across Route 99 from the fire station on Butterfly Court. The stand operators work closely with us to provide fresh Christmas trees, wreaths, and other holiday decorations to the community and we would appreciate your support as always!
Again this year we are collecting toys for the Toys for Tots Program. New, unwrapped toys can be placed in the boxes in the front foyer of the station any time until December 20.
Please be safe this holiday season. If you have a Christmas tree, remember to water it daily and make sure it is not blocking an exit. Make sure it is at least three feet from any heat source and turn the lights off when you leave the house or go to bed. We at WFVFD wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

Attachment 2015 Santa Schedule.pdf  (244k)
Attachment ChristmasTreeSafetyTips.pdf  (943k)