Box Alarm 3-30
By Sean Hussle
May 6, 2014

At 23:45 this evening the tones went off for a structure fire. The caller advised that his house, in the 12600 block of Golden Oak Drive, was on fire and that he was evacuating. Engine 31 was first on scene followed by Chief 3A, who assumed command. Upon arriving there was no fire evident from the outside, and crews immediately pulled a line to the house and searched the home for flames. Firefighters found that the bathroom fan had caught fire and they checked for extension of the fire with negative results. Chief 3A held the scene with Engine 31, Tanker 3, and Truck 7. The home was vented and units cleared the scene at 00:37.

Units: E31, TNK3, WS3, P35, CF3A
Mutual Aid: E51, E131, E22, TNK13, Carroll SQ12, TK7, TK2, P56, BC1, BC2, EMS2, CF2B, Safety 1, Carroll CF12